
Chris Barry, CRUISING (A Journey into Culture), Video Still (Joanne Wheeler), 2015
‘Performing Mobilities’, RMIT Gallery (24 September – 24 October 2015) and Margaret Lawrence Galleries - incorporating exhibitions, performances and symposium:
an international global project staged simultaneously across the Pacific, Asia, Australasia, Middle East, Europe, USA.
Link: http://www.performingmobilities.net/symposium/traces_gallery/cruising-a-journey-into-culture

Chris Barry, CRUISING (A Journey into Culture), Video Still (Joanne Wheeler), 2015
Finalist in the 2015 Guirguis New Art Prize (GNAP) Ballarat Art Gallery, Federation University (13 April – 31 May 2015), a national contemporary art prize across all media.
Judges: Max Delaney - Senior Curator of Contemporary Art, National Gallery of Victoria and Hannah Mathews - Curator, Australian Centre for Contemporary Art.
Link: http://federation.edu.au/faculties-and-schools/faculty-of-education-and-arts/post-office-gallery/guirguis-new-art-prize-gnap/2015/chris-barry-nt
Current Research Project:

CRUISING (A Journey into Culture) 2015 - present
Link: http://chrisbarry.com.au/oz-co-feb-2016/chris-barry-ozco2016.html

The Spatial Grammar of Social Conflict (Re-Imagining the Social and Public Spaces of Alice Springs).

Meghan Punschka Nolan (Ed.), Perceptions of Self in Society as Viewed through Literature and the Arts.
HR: Humanities Review, New York: St. John’s University Press, Spring 2013.
Cover Image: Chris Barry, ‘Picture/Post’ from the series, ‘Displaced Objects’ 1986/1996.

Chris Barry, “Performance as Social Agency” in ART/E/FACT: An International Publication Concerning Art and Anthropology.
(Eds.) Simone Cecilie Gryttner and Ely Rosenblum.
Centre for Visual Anthropology – Goldsmiths and University of London.
Issue 2: The Social Landscape
View PDF

Ghassan Hage and Robyn Eckersley (eds.) Responsibility.
Melbourne: University of Melbourne Press, 2012.
Cover Image: Chris Barry, Encountering Culture: A Dialogue (Steve Gumerungi Hodder Watt), 2006

Eir-Anne Edgar (Ed.) disClosure: A Journal of Social Theory.
The University of Kentucky.
Cover Image: Chris Barry, Untitled (Self-Portrait) 1986.
Issue No. 21: Self/Story
The Association of Social Anthropology of the UK and Commonwealth.
ASA12: Arts and Aesthetics in a Globalising World
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India.
3 – 6 April 2012
Panel: P34 Aesthetics, Politics, Conflict - Discussants: Professor Ghassan Hage (University of Melbourne) and Professor Chris Pinney (University College London).
Conference paper: Chris Barry, “Intense Proximity: The Spatial Grammar of Social Conflict”.
The 8th Biennial Conference of the International Auto/Biographical Association.
IABA 2012: Framing Lives
Australian National University, Canberra.
17 – 20 July 2012
Panel: “Indigenous Lives”.
Conference paper: Chris Barry, “Intense Proximity: The Spatial Grammar of Social Conflict”.
Australian Anthropological Society Conference.
AAS 2012: Culture and Contest in a Material World
The University of Queensland, Brisbane.
26 - 28 September 2012
Panel: “Architectural Anthropology in Australia, Oceania and South-East Asia”.
Convenors: Professor Paul Memmott, Ms Kelly Greenop and Dr Graeme Were
Conference paper: Chris Barry, “Intense Proximity: The Spatial Grammar of Social Conflict”.