
chris barry artist, chrisbarry.com.au

Chris Barry, CRUISING (A Journey into Culture), Video Still (Joanne Wheeler), 2015
‘Performing Mobilities’, RMIT Gallery (24 September – 24 October 2015) and Margaret Lawrence Galleries - incorporating exhibitions, performances and symposium:
an international global project staged simultaneously across the Pacific, Asia, Australasia, Middle East, Europe, USA.
Link: http://www.performingmobilities.net/symposium/traces_gallery/cruising-a-journey-into-culture




chris barry artist, chrisbarry.com.au

Chris Barry, CRUISING (A Journey into Culture), Video Still (Joanne Wheeler), 2015
Finalist in the 2015 Guirguis New Art Prize (GNAP) Ballarat Art Gallery, Federation University (13 April – 31 May 2015), a national contemporary art prize across all media.
Judges: Max Delaney - Senior Curator of Contemporary Art, National Gallery of Victoria and Hannah Mathews - Curator, Australian Centre for Contemporary Art.
Link: http://federation.edu.au/faculties-and-schools/faculty-of-education-and-arts/post-office-gallery/guirguis-new-art-prize-gnap/2015/chris-barry-nt



Current Research Project: 

chris barry artist, chrisbarry.com.au

CRUISING (A Journey into Culture) 2015 - present
Link: http://chrisbarry.com.au/oz-co-feb-2016/chris-barry-ozco2016.html



chris barry
The Spatial Grammar of Social Conflict (Re-Imagining the Social and Public Spaces of Alice Springs).




chris barry artist chrisbarry.com.au

Meghan Punschka Nolan (Ed.), Perceptions of Self in Society as Viewed through Literature and the Arts.
HR: Humanities Review, New York: St. John’s University Press, Spring 2013.
Cover Image: Chris Barry, ‘Picture/Post’ from the series, ‘Displaced Objects’ 1986/1996.


chris barry

Chris Barry, “Performance as Social Agency” in ART/E/FACT: An International Publication Concerning Art and Anthropology.
(Eds.) Simone Cecilie Gryttner and Ely Rosenblum.
Centre for Visual Anthropology – Goldsmiths and University of London.
Issue 2: The Social Landscape
View PDF



chris barry

Ghassan Hage and Robyn Eckersley (eds.) Responsibility.
Melbourne: University of Melbourne Press, 2012.
Cover Image: Chris Barry, Encountering Culture: A Dialogue (Steve Gumerungi Hodder Watt), 2006



chris barry

Eir-Anne Edgar (Ed.) disClosure: A Journal of Social Theory.
The University of Kentucky.
Cover Image: Chris Barry, Untitled (Self-Portrait) 1986.
Issue No. 21: Self/Story



The Association of Social Anthropology of the UK and Commonwealth.
ASA12: Arts and Aesthetics in a Globalising World
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India.
3 – 6 April 2012
Panel: P34 Aesthetics, Politics, Conflict - Discussants: Professor Ghassan Hage (University of Melbourne) and Professor Chris Pinney (University College London).
Conference paper: Chris Barry, “Intense Proximity: The Spatial Grammar of Social Conflict”.


The 8th Biennial Conference of the International Auto/Biographical Association.
IABA 2012: Framing Lives
Australian National University, Canberra.
17 – 20 July 2012
Panel: “Indigenous Lives”.
Conference paper: Chris Barry, “Intense Proximity: The Spatial Grammar of Social Conflict”.


Australian Anthropological Society Conference.
AAS 2012: Culture and Contest in a Material World
The University of Queensland, Brisbane.
26 - 28 September 2012
Panel: “Architectural Anthropology in Australia, Oceania and South-East Asia”.
Convenors: Professor Paul Memmott, Ms Kelly Greenop and Dr Graeme Were
Conference paper: Chris Barry, “Intense Proximity: The Spatial Grammar of Social Conflict”.





© Chris Barry